A Closer Look
A Closer Look
The concept of God’s wrath can be a confusing one to wrap your head around, yet it’s crucial for appreciating the fullness of what Jesus has done for you. Stuart Townend’s classic In Christ Alone says, “till on that cross as Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied.”
God’s wrath might be best described as the punishment due for our disobedience. If we believe God is, in fact, a God of justice, then there has to be consequence for going against His will.
Jeremiah 25:15 captures this well, as the Lord says, “Take from my hand this cup filled with the wine of my wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.” In the Old Testament, God’s judgement is often compared to drinking a cup, one that’s filled with an intoxicating beverage. So the result is confusion, and disorientation - essentially ultimate separation from God. This imagery was to foreshadow God’s final judgement.
And, here’s the amazing thing, this is the same cup that Christ drained for us on the cross so that you and I could drink from the cup of blessing instead.