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In an age of information, most are devouring material on theory and on those who have been successful because quite frankly, we want to get ahead. What you know matters, but only to a point. 


The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:7 that “where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” It will be gone. Your craft, your trade, it won’t be here forever. But, do you know what will? A little earlier in this verse, Paul says “love never fails.” Love carries onto eternity, but knowledge doesn’t. If this is the case, if love should be the priority to invest in, what does that practically look like? It’s character over competency. 


We often obsess over rising the ranks in our careers and becoming better managers of our families. We want to learn how to be more proficient, more articulate, better critical thinkers. And that stuff is important, don’t get me wrong. But that won’t last. Love will. 


I want to be a man of integrity like Daniel; I want to see those around me with potential like Paul, I want to love deeper. I want to love like Christ. Don’t you? Make this your priority. Character over competency, love over knowledge.

A Closer Look

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