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To apply faith is to do what the writer of Hebrews tells us, to have confidence in what you don’t see. Sometimes this doesn’t always compute. It can be downright frustrating to not see your future. But that’s exactly what it means to have faith. If you knew your future you’d be applying knowledge. 


The prophet Isaiah gives us a helpful picture in the 22nd chapter of his book, he prefaces the word God has given him by referring to Israel as a “valley of vision.” That’s ironic. You don’t go to the valley to see into the distance, you hike up a mountain to get that vantage point. 


Now Jerusalem, the Israel capital, is about 2500 feet above sea level, but there are valleys on three sides of the mountain - not a lot of sight from down there. To top it off, at the time of this prophecy, Israel is their own valley spiritually, and God is informing them he is soon going to punish some of these people. So where’s the hope and optimism that this vision is supposed to inject? 


Despite being a prophecy against Jerusalem, the vision is entirely in sync with God’s plan. God will uphold justice. But this picture also reminds us of our limitations, we’re in a valley, but God’s not. So are you going to trust Him?

A Closer Look

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