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Ever since the 20th century, we’ve been living in an age of knowledge – you don’t have to go far for information. Unfortunately, I think one of the contributing factors to the decline in Christianity is just how we’ve let this knowledge shape the way we see God.


Bible scholar John Oswalt said that, “The mighty, the wise, and the noble demand that God’s ways and thoughts be [understood] to them first.” He goes on, “But the lowly, the helpless, and the broken don’t have to have things explained to them; they simply see the open door.”


Our minds cannot only make us prideful, but they can take us away from the mission of God. Jesus famously rebuked his disciples once when they were refusing to let him bless the babies of the community. He said in Luke 18:16, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom as these.”


The disciples were taking matters into their own hands – they thought they knew best, but Jesus says 'actually these little children know best, take some pointers from them.' They’re in the kingdom of God, and you must have the same faith-filled approach in order to join them. What this means is to be a follower of Jesus doesn’t depend on your complete understanding of what He does, but on acceptance of His Word.

A Closer Look

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