A Closer Look
If we’re not careful our personal success can blind us from God. This was really the case for Naaman. He was the commander of the Aramean army, and by all accounts, he was a good man - highly regarded by his King Ben-Hadad the second, and considered a valiant soldier.
However, in his pursuit to be cured of leprosy, we see this man’s preconceived notions stripped out from under him. He comes to Israel to visit Elisha the prophet, a man whom he has heard has the power to restore him. And off the bat, he’s greeted by the prophet’s messenger and told to go wash in the Jordan River to be restored.
These instructions baffle this great commander, he says in 2 Kings 5:11, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy.” But his frustration is a complete misconception.
For Naaman, socially he is superior to Elisha, let alone this messenger. Just like the religion and social hierarchy of the day, to be accomplished entitled you. We’re reminded through Naaman, that it’s what God has accomplished that entitles us, puts us all on level ground, and requires our obedience.