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A Second Chance

As we slide into the snowy weather, in Canada it's almost essential to have winter tires on your vehicle; most insurance companies will even give you a discounted rate.

This will be my first winter with a different car after buying a Subaru Impreza at the end of the summer. I was fortunate enough to negotiate winter tires into my purchase, but I am still left with the winter tires from my previous Volkswagen.

So, I took action and I posted my tires for sale online. Shortly after, I was contacted by a prospective buyer and we arranged a time for him to come look at the tires.

The young man who came to my apartment was excited by what he saw in the tires on Volkswagen rims, however, over the course of our brief exchange, it became clear to me that he didn't really know what he was looking for. This was his first car, and his first winter driving it.

Regardless, he agreed to my sale price and I helped load up the tires in his car.

Just a few days later, I received a text: "The tires don't fit my car. The bolt pattern doesn't match."

I sighed. I just wanted to get rid of these tires, but I also wanted to help him. So I let him return them, and I gave him his money back.

I know I didn't need to do that. I could have told him that it was his problem now, he was mistaken and it would be up to him to re-sell the tires, but I didn't.

My hope is just that somewhere along the way in our interaction that young man was pointed to God and His amazing grace.

In Matthew 18:21-22 Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

I'm so grateful for when people have given me a second chance. Who could you offer a second chance to this week?

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