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We’re at the point now where there’s less daylight all of the time. A couple of years ago, a friend and I decided to go on an ambitious canoe camping trip in November.


The problem was we didn’t get to the lake until well after 8 o’clock the first evening. The sun had already set – we had our head lamps to help see, but as it turned out we didn’t need them, there was a super moon that night. That moon guided us all the way to our site.


When John speaks of heaven in Revelation 22:5, he says “there will be no more night. [We] will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give [us] light.”


On earth we’ve become so accustomed to being governed by day and night – light and darkness. But what God promises is that darkness will disappear for good, and there will be a new source of light.


The light from a lamp, and from the sun that you’ve come to rely on will no longer be needed – your light will come from God all the time.


So when it feels like you’re in the middle of one really dark night, hold fast to God; know the light he gives you now and know how much greater this light will one day be in eternity

A Closer Look

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