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Culture At A Crossroads Season 4, Episode 7

Tim Challies is a pioneer in the blogosphere, he's also a talented author and sought after speaker. Tim joins the show to discuss the rise of, which has become one of the most widely read Christian blogs in the world. We explore technology and temptation, productivity and, he even opens up about the sudden loss of his son. 

Welcome to the sixty-seventh episode of the podcast. Listen and access the show notes here or search for Culture At A Crossroads on Apple, Spotify, Google or wherever you get your podcasts and listen for free.

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This is a profile of Tim Challies

Aug 29, 2016 - Challies has written at length on productivity 

Nov 15, 2017 - Challies video on not permitting children to go to friends' homes for sleepovers goes viral

April 17, 2020 - Challies and Stephen McKaskell on experience making church history documentary 'Epic'

Nov 3, 2020 - Challies' son Nick dies suddenly 

Dec 21, 2021 - Here is the Tim Challies reading challenge for 2022

This is an archive of all the books that Challies has written. And here is list of hundreds of books that Challies has reviewed. 

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